Study on Technique of Micronizing and Emulsification of Corn Protein Simulation Fat 玉米蛋白油脂模拟品微粒化及乳化技术的研究
A new kind of nitrogenous product Bionitrogen was tested as a supplemented nitrogen source instead of the corn protein in penicillin fermentation. 生物氮素作为微生物发酵的一种新型氮源,我们首次在青霉素发酵生产上应用。
Ultrasonic-assisted Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Corn Protein 超声波辅助酶法水解玉米蛋白的工艺研究
The paper introduced the new research development of corn protein, Including its structure and amino acid constitute, the modification of corn protein and the application of corn protein in food. 该文介绍近年来玉米蛋白研究新进展,包括结构及其氨基酸组成,玉米蛋白改性,及玉米蛋白在食品中应用。
Of or resembling fibrin. corn protein fiber, pea protein fiber 人造蛋白纤维:酪素纤维、玉米蛋白纤维、大豆蛋白纤维等
Ingredients Analysis and Activity Study on Enzymolysis Product of Corn Protein Powder 玉米蛋白粉酶解产物成分及活性研究
Inhibition of Lipid Oxidation in Raw Pork Patties by Hydrolyzed Corn Protein 玉米蛋白酶水解物对生肉糜脂肪氧化的抑制研究
Study on screening high producing bacterial strains of proteinase enzyme in hydrolyze corn protein and its enzyme properties with UV-induced 紫外诱变选育水解玉米蛋白的高产蛋白酶菌株及酶性质的研究
The alkali protease is used for enzymolysis of corn protein meal, the hydroxyl free radical activity clearance rate of enzymolysis resultant determined by deoxyribose-iron system method is taken as index, the process is optimized, and thus, the polypeptide with higher antioxidation activity is made. 采用碱性蛋白酶对玉米蛋白粉酶解,以脱氧核糖-铁体系法测定的酶解产物的羟基自由基活性清除率为指标,进行了工艺优化,制得了具有较高抗氧化活性的多肽。
Study on Preparation of Corn Peptide from Corn Protein by Alkaline Protease Hydrolysis 碱性蛋白酶水解法制备玉米肽的研究
The results showed that the quality of the cake and ice-cream entirely fulfilled the required standard, after added 4% and 1% corn protein flour respectively, while the quality of the tea sausage added corn protein turned bad. 研究表明,蛋糕中添加4%的玉米蛋白粉,冰淇淋中添加1%的玉米蛋白粉完全达到质量标准,而茶肠中添加玉米蛋白粉使茶肠质量变差。
Preparation of Corn Peptide Flour from Corn Protein Flour by Double-Enzyme Fractional Hydrolysis 双酶分步水解玉米蛋白粉制备玉米肽干粉的研究
The Refinement of Corn Protein Powder and its Application in the Sausage 精制玉米蛋白粉的制备及在灌肠中的应用
Using yellow powder as corn protein material by solid and low salt content fermentation, flavor seasoning was obtained. 本研究用黄粉为玉米蛋白质原料,通过低盐固态发酵法酿造鲜味调味液。
Corn protein is hydrolyzed only by one enzyme in their researches and properties of corn peptide are researched more but the physiological activity studies are researched less. 且一般均采用单一酶进行水解,对水解后的玉米肽的理化性质研究较多,对其生物活性研究较少。
Studies on the production of the pure natural food additive corn protein foaming powder 纯天然食品添加剂玉米蛋白发泡粉的生产研究
The results indicated that direct selection could increase the content but not improve the quality of corn protein. 结果表明,提高玉米的粗蛋白含量以直接选择为好,但是单纯地提高粗蛋白含量并不能改善蛋白质品质;
Studies on the fat-soluble constituents of corn protein powder 玉米蛋白粉脂溶性成分研究
Studies on the Functional Property of Enzymatic Modified Corn Protein 酶法改性玉米蛋白功能特性的研究
The structure and emulating property of corn protein can be changed by acid deamidation. The reaction time, HCl concentration, reaction temperature and effect on reaction were investigated. 酸法去酰胺作用能改变玉米蛋白的结构和乳化性能,考察了反应时间,盐酸浓度以及反应温度对反应的影响。
The corn protein flour was hydrolyzed by a fractional hydrolysis with alkaline protease and caroid to produce corn peptide flour and the hydrolysis technological process was determined. 利用碱性蛋白酶和木瓜蛋白酶双酶对玉米蛋白粉进行分步水解,确定制备玉米肽干粉的工艺流程。
Study the application of corn protein flour in food 玉米蛋白粉在食品中的应用研究
Anti-tumor effect of lutein and zeaxanthin from corn protein powder on proliferation of mammary cancer cell was investigated. 研究玉米蛋白粉中黄体素、玉米黄素对乳腺癌细胞增殖的影响。
Corn protein is by-production of maize processing, which is used in crude feedstuff or discharged directly as wastes, it is a great mass of waste and pollution for environment. 玉米蛋白是玉米加工的副产物,大部分以粗饲料或者当作三废处理直接排放,不仅极大浪费了资源,经济效益低,而且造成了极大的浪费和环境污染。
The antioxidant activities of corn protein hydrolysate had a correlation with its hydrophobicity. 玉米蛋白水解物的抗氧化活性与其疏水性也具有相关性。
Corn peptide is a Small molecular short peptide mixture with high activity, which obtain from corn protein powder. It is a kind of natural food protein which is easily digested and absorbed by human body than protein. 玉米肽是玉米蛋白粉经水解后得到的活性很高的小分子短肽混合物,是一种天然的食品蛋白,与蛋白质相比,更易被人体消化吸收。
Comparing with corn protein, most of the amino acid composition and content have no significant difference and the corn peptide has greater content of glutamic acid, leucine, alanine and phenylalanine. 其中玉米肽中谷氨酸、亮氨酸、丙氨酸和苯丙氨酸四种主要氨基酸的含量与玉米蛋白粉中相比均有上升。
The results were as follows: ( 1) The antioxidant activities of corn protein hydrolysate had a correlation with its molecular weight. 结果显示:(1)玉米蛋白水解物的抗氧化活性与其分子量具有相关性。